The detailed programme for NAM 2019 parallel sessions is now available:
Please follow the guidelines below for Talks and Posters.
Presentations can be given:
- from your own laptop with a VGA or HDMI connection, or
- uploaded to the podium Windows machine from your own USB stick in PDF or PowerPoint formats only.
All presenters must use the microphone while giving their talk and answering questions. All rooms have widescreen displays so will be able to display content in 16:9 or 16:10 as the projectors will adjust. 4:3 ratio can also be displayed but this will not fill the projection screens.
Talk durations have been sent out by session conveners.
Poster boards are in A0 landscape format.
Posters are grouped by session. Please find your poster number on the list: (NB this is different to the abstract ID).
Poster boards will be labelled with the poster numbers; please hang your poster on the assigned board.
Posters can be put up from 10:30 on Monday 1 July and must be taken down by 11:00 on Wednesday 3 July. The poster hall is in LICA main space (A27-A29).
Poster prizes:
If you wish your poster to be considered for any of the poster prizes (see descriptions here: please attach the appropriate sticker to the top right hand corner of your poster. Stickers and further information will be available in the poster hall on Monday - Tuesday. Judging will take place during the poster session on Tuesday 15:00 - 18:00.
Online poster repository:
You may upload your poster to our online repository for viewing by delegates during and after the meeting. For the online repository, posters must be a PDF file with a maximum file size of 10 MB. Please name your PDF file as XXX_Surname.pdf, where XXX is the three-digit abstract ID for your poster, and Surname is the presenting author surname, as listed in the programme. You can upload your poster by emailing the PDF file as an attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All registered NAM delegates will have access to the link to view uploaded posters.
Please see these guidelines for making your presentations accessible:
If you have any queries or problems please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.