RAS Carer Fund
In addition to the free on-campus childcare offered available at NAM the RAS is also has a Carer Fund.
The Royal Astronomical Society recognises that many delegates who attend or who would like to attend NAM have caring responsibilities, whether this is for children, elderly or disabled relatives or friends. As a result, they are sometimes prevented from attending the conference because there is no provision for the extra costs incurred in paying for the additional care needed while they are away. This grant scheme aims to contribute towards these additional costs of care when attending events, meetings and conferences.
The RAS is once again offering a carers’ grant scheme for the 2019 National Astronomy Meeting (NAM2019), to give eligible delegates a grant towards additional costs of paying for care when attending the conference. Applications may be submitted at any time, up until 17 May 2019, and a decision will be given by 20 May 2019. For further information and details of how to apply, please click here.
Europlanet Bursary
As part of the Europlanet NA1 scheme, Aberystwyth University will be hosting a lunchtime session on "Exoplanetary Magnetism" on Thursday 4th July. To assist those whom plan to attend this session and the conference in general we are able to offer bursaries of a flat rate of 100 euros.
If you wish to apply for a bursary please fill out this application form and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Sunday 5th May. Outcomes will be communicated by Monday 13th May. Priority will be given to early career researchers and those from under-represented research communities and stakeholders, including new EU Member States. The bursary will be reimbursed by Aberystwyth University to recipients after the event whom will be required to fill out a short feedback form.
Bursaries for Teachers
Thanks to generous support from the Ogden Trust, we are able to offer bursaries to support teachers and other relevant teaching-related staff (e.g. laboratory technicians) who wish to attend the Outreach & Education day at the Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting. Individuals are eligible for an award that covers free 1-day registration on Tuesday 2 July, including refreshments, lunch and a £50 bursary to cover travel and other expenses. Priority for this support will be given to state schools in deprived areas, remote rural locations, and school with high percentage of students entitled to free school meals.
If you would like to be considered for this support, please fill in an application form and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If your attendance at the meeting is contingent on receiving a bursary, please do not register until you have been informed of the outcome of your application for support. If you are awarded a bursary, the organisers will be in touch with details of how to register. In the event that an application is unsuccessful, individuals can still register online to attend on line at their own expense. General registration will remain open until 14 June.
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