Although the booking deadline for the creche has passed, we are still able to offer a flexible, drop-in creche service during the conference for children aged 3 years or older. There is plenty of space available, but ultimately places are limited by the required staff-to-children ratio. Therefore, we recommend that you check availability with us ahead of time if you plan to use this service.
Free childcare will be available during the meeting for a limited number of children between the ages of 0 and 15. The service will be provided by an external crèche company (Tinies) and will be in a location on campus near to the main meeting venues. If you wish to take advantage of this service, please contact Haley Jones (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Director of Tinies Northwest and Lancs, who will go through the child registration steps with you.
The deadline for requesting crèche places is 20 May 2019 but we may stop accepting requests earlier than that if full capacity is reached.
Further information about Tinies can be found on their web site,