Are you interested in the future of UK astronomy - and how much of a priority it is for government and the research funders? Do you think more should be done to foster diversity in our sciences, or perhaps you feel we should have better links with industry?
Whether you're an early career scientist, or more established in the field, the community session is a chance to hear from senior figures at STFC and the UK Space Agency, and find out about their vision for the years ahead.
Come along to put your questions - straightforward or more challenging - to the people who make the decisions on the direction of astronomy and space science.
The session will be held on Wednesday 3 July at 13:30 in Faraday Lecture Theatre.
Speakers include:
Prof. Mark Thomson, CEO STFC (TBC)
Chris Lee, Chief Scientist, UK Space Agency
Prof. Stephen Serjeant (STFC AAP Chair) will give a short presentation entitled "Priority Projects update".