The Eddington Astronomical Society of Kendal (EAS)
EAS is a vibrant society meeting in Kendal, Cumbria, that brings together local astronomers and others who are interested in science and the cosmos. The Society is named in honour of Sir Arthur Eddington FRS, who was born in Kendal. Eddington, regarded as the Father of Modern Theoretical Astrophysics, was also noted for his books on astronomy for the layman, a tradition we attempt to continue with our meetings. Meetings also provide a forum for discussion of astronomy. These feature a range of speakers from both the amateur and professional astronomer communities. Our own members also give presentations. Visitors and new members are welcome regardless of age or experience. In addition to member observing sessions, we hold regular public moonwatch events allowing adults and their children to gaze in wonder at the details of the surface of the Moon.